Sunday, April 8, 2012

History of Macrame

There are many versions of how Macrame (or, how it is also known - Macramé) was first created. Some sources tell us that the art was invented by Arabian weavers in the 13th century, while trying to decorate the edges of cloths and towels. The word “Macrame” is believed to come from the Arabian word “Migramah”, meaning fringe.

Another story tells that Macrame was started by mid century European sailors who entertained themselves by making belts and other trivial items during long voyages at sea. Macrame was especially popular in Italy – in the 15th century the famous Italian artist Botticelli even depicted a man wearing a Macrame hat in one of his paintings! From Italy and England the handicraft was spread to North America…

My favorite story tells that the first Macrame masters were ancient beneficial witches who tied special magic knots. These charms were capable of guarding against any evil and even bringing good luck. Of course, you may have doubts in these knots’ superpowers, but without any doubt, Marcame is a magic art - that is for sure! Just try it - and you will certainly feel miraculous relaxation, all your worries and troubles will go away!

Eventually, you will be able to tie your own Lucky Knot! But first, let’s get ready our working place and begin with learning easy basic Macrame knots!
Maybe you are wondering now how to get started?

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